I am so grate­ful for every­thing you both have done for my daugh­ter. She was able to go back to school yes­ter­day with­out an acci­dent, and her face was filled with pride and joy when I picked her up. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to see her wear­ing the same out­fit that she was when I sent her! That has­n’t hap­pened for a very long time. Most impor­tant­ly, she is out of pain.

When we were on Day 6, just as she was falling asleep, she opened her eyes and said, “Mom, my stom­ach does­n’t hurt.” I told her how hap­py that made me, and then she said, “It’s been hurt­ing for SUCH a long time, mom.” And then she closed her eyes and fell asleep with a smile on her face. As a par­ent, I’m sure you know exact­ly how that made me feel. We are on Day 17 now and she’s still feel­ing great!

My favorite thing about your pro­gram was the way that our rela­tion­ship was strength­ened when we spent time togeth­er in the Par­ty Room. I read all of the sto­ries and saw so many peo­ple who were out of there in a cou­ple of days. We were in there much longer. I was miss­ing my youngest who we had sent to my mom’s and I was won­der­ing when I would be able to be with her again. But then I real­ized that I haven’t spent this much time with my old­est since her sis­ter was born. I reframed the expe­ri­ence and thought about it as a way for us to real­ly get to know each oth­er again. We came out of this so much stronger and had so much fun together.

The route we were tak­ing before we heard about you was ene­mas and sup­pos­i­to­ries and it was exhaust­ing and tax­ing, and didn’t seem to help her at all. It also put a stress on our mar­riage because we both felt so help­less and stressed when noth­ing we tried was work­ing. And then you gave us this beau­ti­ful gift. Thank you, from the bot­tom of my heart. Our home has returned to the hap­py place it once was and we are very, very grateful.

June 27, 2019