Evan is 16 years old and has dup15q syndrome which includes developmental delays and autism. He has been struggling with constipation and encoporesis his whole life. This has consumed our lives — daily records of when he went the bathroom, how long it has been since he went, etc…this was our life and we were exhausted. Evan was at the point that he was going once a week with an enema and doing this with a 16 year old was not an easy task. We had traveled to numerous GI specialists. Evan had botox in December and we went away for the holiday. After the holiday, he was a mess. Completely backed up and no bowel movement in 3 weeks, even an enema was not working. We went to the ER and he was admitted for a 3 day clean out.
My husband and I were getting very discouraged about the thought of dealing with this forever — a 16 year old in pull ups. It limits who will work with him and where he can get a job — it impacts every aspect of his life and in turn ours. We felt like we had tried everything and this was just going to be our life. Then I saw someone posted a link to a seminar by Dr. Daum. So, I clicked on it and immediately knew this was a sign, that there is still hope.
I sent an email to Dr. Daum and the nurse got right back to me and said Dr. Daum thinks he can help and wants to talk. I started to well up knowing that there might still be hope. Our conversation with Dr. Daum was very candid and our family was fully on board to try this. Keep in mind we have two other typical children so we knew this would take a village, but this was our top priority.
We started the program and I won’t get into all of the details but after 2 days he was accident free both day and night and having a bowel movement daily. He has never had a daily bowel movement in his entire life. Evan was also in underwear both day and night with no accidents. This was hard for anyone to believe. We kept him home from school for just over a week to focus on this program. Evan was exceeding any expectations we could ever imagine. This was a dream come true.
The next hurdle was school — we sent Evan back to school and he was staying dry at school but not going at all but would go when he came home. On the fourth day back I received a text message from his teacher — Evan had a bowel movement in the toilet on his own! I also received an email from the assistant principal! Evan has never, in his entire life, had a bowel movement in the toilet at school. This is at the two week mark of Dr. Daum’s program.