Yesterday, a mother wrote me this very thoughtful and important question: Dr. Fredric Daum- so many doctors- even pedi GI docs do not know much about this diagnosis- other than a definition. There is a significant lack of professional knowledge. Ultimately, and unfortunately, many of us don’t get the proper treatment protocol for our individual children- to meet their unique needs. It’s a “cookbook recipe” for treatment vs an individualized treatment plan.
My reply follows:
I have practiced in New York for over 40 years. It has been a challenge to try to educate health professionals as to the frustrations that parents have in trying to deal with encopresis. Few health professionals, as you have stated, take this problem seriously. Perhaps, because I have personally experienced it with one of my own children, I feel the frustration and pain of parents going through this. In medical school and in residency, there is almost no education in encopresis for doctors who have chosen to be pediatricians. In my own institution, I am now seeing more and more residents come to my seminar — which is a good start, but only a start. It has taken me years to learn how to approach encopresis, not only in children without special needs, but also children with autism, Down syndrome and other genetic challenges. By partnering with Michelle and by being active on support groups around the world, i learn every day from parents and from patients, the nuances of treatment for encopresis. Although we work 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays, to help resolve encopresis, it is not realistic to expect that most doctors are going to make this sort of commitment. It certainly is not something that would attract doctors economically. The amount of hours, the weeks, the months, that go into the maintenance aspect of treatment for encopresis are countless. It is a problem for which there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but only with the steadfast commitment of families and health professionals alike. I don’t know if this statement is of help to you, but Michelle and I continue to have the same passion and commitment as we have always had in dealing with encopresis. Dr. Daum