1. The Enco­pre­sis Treat­ment pro­gram begins with a clean out fol­lowed by tran­si­tion to main­te­nance. The clean out and tran­si­tion process gen­er­al­ly requires four to five (4−5) days at home.
  2. All nec­es­sary instruc­tions are pro­vid­ed to you at the start of the pro­gram. Par­ents are urged to take notes to which they can refer as necessary.
  3. The clean out and tran­si­tion to main­te­nance is best super­vised by a par­ent or par­ents through­out the 4–5 days. If oth­er indi­vid­u­als are involved, such as grand­par­ents, sit­ters, etc., it is cru­cial to make sure that all infor­ma­tion is passed on in pre­cise detail.
  4. Once a child is no longer soil­ing, he or she will then be in the main­te­nance phase of treat­ment and will be able to attend school and resume usu­al activities.
  5. Once your child is in main­te­nance, you must allow ade­quate time for bow­el move­ments. The bath­room time agreed upon by par­ents and Doc­tor Daum must be con­sid­ered in your sched­ul­ing of activ­i­ties. To give oral lax­a­tives with­out allot­ting ade­quate bath­room time will result in failure.
  6. Bath­room time will yield the best out­come if a child is allowed to use that bath­room in which her or she is most com­fort­able. Expect­ing a child to use the bath­room rou­tine­ly at school or in an ath­let­ic facil­i­ty, i.e., skat­ing rink, gym­na­si­um or dance stu­dio, is unrealistic.
  7. An adult should watch the child to make sure that he/she swal­lows the med­ica­tion completely.
  8. Dur­ing main­te­nance, com­pli­ance is often depen­dent on the involve­ment of school nurs­es, care­tak­ers, camp coun­selors and oth­er per­son­nel. Even if things are going well, it is advis­able for par­ents to peri­od­i­cal­ly check to see whether chil­dren are get­ting their lax­a­tive and tak­ing them as pre­scribed per­son­al­ly by Doc­tor Daum. This is impor­tant on week­ends, dur­ing vis­its to grand­par­ents, sleep­overs and while in the care of fam­i­ly mem­bers of mul­ti­ple households.
  9. Do not hes­i­tate to check the med­ical log at your child’s school, which must be kept by the nurse and is avail­able for your review. Do not assume that all school nurs­es are fol­low­ing Doctor’s orders. This con­cern is espe­cial­ly valid when a child who has been doing well starts to have soil­ing acci­dents. Doc­tor Daum is avail­able to make sug­ges­tions as to what actions can be tak­en to rem­e­dy these problems.
  10. Once in the main­te­nance phase of treat­ment, you can expect your child to stay on lax­a­tives for a num­ber of weeks before ini­ti­at­ing a low­er­ing of the dose. All med­ica­tion adjust­ments should be with the advice of Doc­tor Daum
  11. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion between par­ents and your enco­pre­sis expert, Doc­tor Daum, should be con­tin­ued as nec­es­sary. Even when things appear to be going well, an occa­sion­al phone call or email is always advised.
  12. Enco­pre­sis is a chron­ic prob­lem that may require long-term man­age­ment. For this rea­son, we are avail­able to our fam­i­lies by phone or email for as long as needed.