by Michelle Daum | Oct 17, 2016 | Encopresis, encopresis treatment, soiling, Stool Withholding, withholding
THE SECRET STRUGGLE OF ENCOPRESIS AND STOOL WITHHOLDING Behind closed doors all over the world, many parents and children deal with a secret struggle that may linger for years. The tension brings parents to their wits end, and the children experiencing...
by Michelle Daum | Oct 9, 2016 | Blog, Encopresis, Stool Withholding, withholding
It has been observed that children who stool withhold and have encopresis may not maintain their expected weight gain and growth in height. A child who is full of stool may experience abdominal bloating and early satiety (fullness shortly after...
by Michelle Daum | Mar 2, 2016 | Encopresis, fecal soiling, soiling, toilet training
Encopresis is not just in toddlers Although we understand that Encopresis (fecal soiling) is very common, especially among toddlers, many are unaware of how many pre-adolescents and adolescents suffer from stool withholding and encopresis. Despite...
by Michelle Daum | Feb 3, 2015 | Blog, Encopresis, encopresis treatment, Ex-lax, Laxatives, soiling
Once your child with encopresis is doing well, we work closely with you to slowly lower the dose of medication. The important thing to consider is that you are successfully managing your child’s encopresis. If your child is able to be accident free...
by Michelle Daum | Dec 29, 2014 | Blog, Encopresis, encopresis treatment, maintenance, potty training, Special Needs, treatment, Uncategorized
Yesterday, a mother wrote me this very thoughtful and important question: Dr. Fredric Daum- so many doctors- even pedi GI docs do not know much about this diagnosis- other than a definition. There is a significant lack of...
by Michelle Daum | Oct 27, 2014 | Blog, clean out, Encopresis, fecal soiling, maintenance, soiling, treatment, Uncategorized
The Encopresis Treatment program begins with a clean out followed by transition to maintenance. The clean out and transition process generally requires four to five (4−5) days at home. All necessary instructions are provided to you at the...