Good After­noon Dr. Daum!
As I write this I’m still wor­ried about jinx­ing things but we are offi­cial­ly at one month since Con­nor has not tak­en any exlax and has still gone to the bath­room every day. Each time I sat down to update you, I thought I would jinx things but I tru­ly feel like we’ve turned the cor­ner.  It took all of one year to get to this place and we have you to thank. We stuck with your pro­gram and IT WORKED!!  I am pre­pared for set­backs of course because Con­nor is quite head strong but this has been a huge relief for Jack and me.

We want to thank you and Michelle so very much for car­ing about this very real issue for chil­dren and chal­lenge for the families.

Con­nor’s mom