I am the moth­er of a sev­en year old boy who I knew was suf­fer­ing from enco­pre­sis.  I was so frus­trat­ed with the rec­om­men­da­tions I had been receiv­ing from my pedi­a­tri­cian, gas­troen­terol­o­gist, and oth­ers to no avail.  My son had chron­ic stom­ach pain and X‑rays con­sis­tent­ly revealed backed up stool in his intestines.  In an effort to learn more and search for solu­tions, I came upon Dr. Daum’s pro­file online and his expe­ri­ence with enco­pre­sis.  I was skep­ti­cal, and put off this option — due to finances and tim­ing.  I wish I had done it even soon­er!  It would have saved us all a tremen­dous amount of heartache and agony, not to men­tion the fact that in the inter­im, my son’s self esteem and mood were declin­ing due to his lev­el of dis­com­fort and irri­tabil­i­ty.  Michelle spent a sig­nif­i­cant amount of time with me on the phone to get our fam­i­ly his­to­ry and back­ground infor­ma­tion.  I felt heard and under­stood.  We chose a week at the end of sum­mer to con­sult with Dr. Daum.  I fol­lowed his instruc­tions and he knows this dis­or­der inside and out.  We spoke dai­ly and he told me the amount of meds and the time we need­ed to spend in the bath­room each day.  I can con­fi­dent­ly say that by doing this, he can help your child!  Ever since this inter­ven­tion, my son has not had one acci­dent and has not soiled him­self even once.  His strat­e­gy is effec­tive.  I am so grate­ful to him for his exper­tise and his wis­dom that has come from his years of expe­ri­ence in deal­ing with enco­pre­sis.  It goes with­out say­ing how high­ly I rec­om­mend him if your child is strug­gling with enco­pre­sis.  It will be the best deci­sion you can ever make for your child, not to men­tion your entire fam­i­ly.  My now eight year old son is thriv­ing, con­fi­dent, and like a dif­fer­ent child.  I can­not rec­om­mend Dr. Daum high­ly enough.

Moth­er of sev­en year old boy