Q.  My child stays dry all day but has urine acci­dents at night, which is why we use pull-ups only at night.  Is that okay?

A.  The ulti­mate goal of the Doc­tor Daum pro­gram is for a child to be in under­wear 24 hours a day.  Dry and clean.  Doc­tor Daum will work with you by tele­phone to achieve this goal.

Q. Will fol­low­ing the plan mean that we can­not par­tic­i­pate in planned activ­i­ties such as a fam­i­ly vaca­tion, road trips or a day at the amuse­ment park?

A.  Most chil­dren can be toi­let trained in 3–7 days.  Upon suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the Doc­tor Daum toi­let train­ing pro­gram, you will be able to go any­where or do any­thing you like with your child. All of these activ­i­ties will become eas­i­er and more enjoy­able once your child is toi­let trained.

Q. Will changes in diet make a dif­fer­ence in toi­let training?

A. Spe­cif­ic dietary changes that may help will depend on each child.  We are able to guide you to by mak­ing dietary rec­om­men­da­tions suit­able for your child.

Q.  Will my child be able to con­tin­ue on a spe­cial diet?

A.  Gluten free, casein free, sug­ar free and nut free are some of the diets many chil­dren fol­low. We sup­port the use of these diets and can pro­vide you with nutri­tion­al guid­ance by con­sul­ta­tion with our staff reg­is­tered dietitian.

Q  What if my child can­not talk or communicate?

A.  A child that responds to sim­ple com­mands can be toi­let trained, despite being non-ver­bal or lim­it­ed in com­mu­ni­ca­tion abilities.

Q.  How will I explain the pro­gram to my child’s school and get them to par­tic­i­pate in the program?

A. Our staff will com­mu­ni­cate reg­u­lar­ly with your child’s school to devise a week­day plan suit­able for your child.

Q. What if my pedi­a­tri­cian thinks I shouldn’t force my child to toi­let train.

A.  There are many opin­ions about a child’s “readi­ness” for ini­ti­at­ing toi­let train­ing. School reg­u­la­tions and issues of social­iza­tion dic­tate that chil­dren toi­let train by a cer­tain age.  Chil­dren who have reached the age of toi­let train­ing but are unwill­ing or resis­tant to toi­let train­ing will usu­al­ly not ini­ti­ate toi­let train­ing inde­pen­dent­ly and are most like­ly to ben­e­fit from Doc­tor Daum’s toi­let train­ing program.
