The Treatment Program

The Enco­pre­sis Cen­ter offers a unique, med­ical­ly based pro­gram for the treat­ment of enco­pre­sis and with­hold­ing. Our med­ical con­sul­tant, Fredric Daum, M.D., is an inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized Pedi­atric Gas­troen­terol­o­gist and Pro­fes­sor of Pediatrics.

The pro­gram toi­let trains chil­dren with and with­out spe­cial needs, includ­ing autism, sen­so­ry dis­tur­bance, genet­ic abnor­mal­i­ties, atten­tion deficit dis­or­ders. These chil­dren may have high or low cog­ni­tive func­tion­ing. This is an approach that uti­lizes both behav­ioral mod­i­fi­ca­tion and med­ical ther­a­py.  All  chil­dren can be toi­let trained so they are dry and clean 24 hours a day, for both urine and stool. Suc­cess is achieved with­in one week.

The Enco­pre­sis Cen­ter Pro­gram employs a tech­nique of per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion.  Dr. Daum has more than 45 years of med­ical expe­ri­ence treat­ing chil­dren with enco­pre­sis. Using per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion by tele­phone, he instructs and guides par­ents to help a child over­come enco­pre­sis and achieve suc­cess­ful toi­let train­ing. Chil­dren are dry and clean at the con­clu­sion of The Enco­pre­sis Cen­ter treat­ment pro­gram.  Chil­dren func­tion with improved self image, the abil­i­ty to con­cen­trate in ther­a­pies and in school with­out con­cern for social stigma.

Who will benefit from the DoctorDaum Program?

  1. Typ­i­cal­ly Devel­op­ing Chil­dren: Chil­dren with­out spe­cial needs who are with­hold­ing stool with pos­si­ble soil­ing of stool as the result of behav­ioral resis­tance to toi­let train­ing.  These chil­dren do not have sen­so­ry issues, autism, genet­ic issues or atten­tion deficit dis­or­ders.  Hav­ing had a painful bow­el move­ment, they now hold back stool, fre­quent­ly result­ing in the pro­longed use of dia­per­s/pull-ups.  This behav­ior cre­ates dif­fi­cul­ties at school and delays age appro­pri­ate socialization.
  2. Spe­cial Needs Chil­dren: Chil­dren with autism, sen­so­ry dis­tur­bances,  Down syn­drome and those with atten­tion deficit dis­or­ders. These chil­dren may be high func­tion­ing  or low func­tion­ing.  Regard­less of their spe­cif­ic spe­cial needs, if these chil­dren can respond to sim­ple com­mands, they can be toi­let trained.   The behav­ioral issues observed in such chil­dren are sim­i­lar to those with­out spe­cial needs but fre­quent­ly are more demand­ing and more persistent.

How will your child benefit from the DoctorDaum Program ?

  • improved self esteem
  • improved response to speech ther­a­py, occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py and phys­i­cal therapy
  • improved per­for­mance in school
  • improved social relationships

How will parents benefit from the DoctorDaum Program?

From all the good things that hap­pen to their children.

The Doc­tor­Daum Pro­gram offers a per­son­al­ized ser­vice as if you were sit­ting across from Dr. Daum in his pri­vate office.

Want to know more? Please click here to get in touch with Dr. Daum.
