I had to e‑mail to say we are the hap­pi­est par­ents in the world tonight all thanks to you and Dr. Daum. My hus­band’s employ­er put on a spe­cial Christ­mas evening which we have just returned from. As you know Abi­gail has been doing bril­liant­ly on your programme.

It was so won­der­ful watch­ing her run­ning around and enjoy­ing her­self with all the oth­er chil­dren, meet­ing San­ta and play­ing on the boun­cy cas­tle. No squat­ting in cor­ners with­hold­ing, being grumpy and huff­ing until we took her home. Every birth­day, Christ­mas, wed­ding, friend or fam­i­ly get togeth­er we have shot video of our beau­ti­ful daugh­ter. Start­ing at the age of two she’s not smil­ing and being hap­py, she’s not enjoy­ing life in the way a child of her age should — she is with­hold­ing. She is squat­ting in the cor­ner with her knees in her chest, face bright red and grunt­ing.  It’s been so painful to watch her do this.  As a mum­my it is unbear­able to feel so helpless.

All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you Michelle and Dr. Daum for the help and sup­port you have giv­en us. To see this aston­ish­ing trans­for­ma­tion in eigh­teen days…I just can­not get my head around it.  The fact that you did this over the phone, over three thou­sand miles away I mean come on, you’ve got to be kid­ding?  We have nev­er been giv­en ANY hope in three years. Hav­ing seen maybe a dozen med­ical pro­fes­sion­als with­in ten miles of our home got us nowhere. Every­where we went seek­ing help for Abi­gail we were told she’d grow out of it, there was noth­ing any­one could do, we should just try not to react. I know you both under­stand the toll this takes on every indi­vid­ual in a family.

Christ­mas has come ear­ly this year.  Abi­gail is so hap­py she has no more pads in her pants, no more leak­age or being frog-marched to the toi­let every few hours to be checked and/or changed, no more pull ups at night.

I want­ed to share our hap­pi­ness, I am so glad we found you!

Christ­mas comes ear­ly for a lit­tle girl in Scotland