Lau­ren began with­hold­ing when she was around 9 months.  She would­n’t go for days, then would have a mas­sive blowout. This became the pat­tern and I just thought it was nor­mal- the way she func­tioned.  Just before she turned two, I noticed that she began turn­ing bright red and would strain with every­thing in her to try and keep from hav­ing a BM.  I began chang­ing her dirty dia­pers around 8–11 times a day and it was mis­er­able for every­one! My pedi­a­tri­cian rec­om­mend­ed Miralax and it worked for a short time, but she has Her­culean strength when it comes to with­hold­ing and soon it was­n’t mak­ing a dif­fer­ence whatsoever.

We came across Dr. Daum a lit­tle over a year lat­er and I was des­per­ate for a solu­tion.  Our lives were so restrict­ed.  The sec­ond day of the pro­gram, Lau­ren self-ini­ti­at­ed with suc­cess!  I was so sur­prised and ecsta­t­ic when I heard that beau­ti­ful ‘plop’ in the pot­ty!  I nev­er thought that day would come.
Dr. Daum was sup­port­ive each step of the way and I could­n’t believe how avail­able he made him­self to us.  I high­ly rec­om­mend this pro­gram.  It is worth every sin­gle pen­ny and the best invest­ment I’ve made for my daughter.
Lau­ren’s Mom