If your child is approach­ing kinder­garten in the fall and not yet toi­let trained – now is the per­fect time to get start­ed with a rec­og­nized treat­ment pro­gram. By August, the stress your child may feel tran­si­tion­ing to a new school will be even greater than now. With the entire sum­mer ahead, many fam­i­lies feel that there is plen­ty of time to tack­le this issue. Year after year, we have a rush of fam­i­lies in August who are in a pan­ic about the start of school.

Toi­let train­ing is the key devel­op­men­tal mile­stone of ear­ly child­hood. Achiev­ing suc­cess­ful toi­let train­ing is essen­tial for a child’s self esteem and feel­ing of self worth and mak­ing the school year a hap­py and suc­cess­ful one.

The doctordaum.com  pro­gram is designed to move chil­dren through the toi­let train­ing process as quick­ly as pos­si­ble.  Some have referred to us as a toi­let train­ing boot camp, but we feel that descrip­tion is too harsh. Oth­ers refer to Dr. Daum as the ‘Poop Whis­per­er’. This has a nicer, kinder sound. Ours is child friend­ly pro­gram, devel­oped by a pedi­a­tri­cian with a spe­cial­ty in pedi­atric gas­troen­terol­o­gy. Dr. Daum brings years of expe­ri­ence to this chal­leng­ing task hav­ing worked with thou­sands of chil­dren over the last 45 years.

If your child has not been able to toi­let train in spite of your best efforts, includ­ing rewards and promis­es, or if your child refus­es to poop on the toi­let and cries for a dia­per, doctordaum.com can help.  Start­ing the pro­gram now, will allow you and your child to enjoy a fun and care­free summer!

Fred Daum, MD
