Encopresis is not just in toddlers

Although we under­stand that Enco­pre­sis (fecal soil­ing) is very com­mon, espe­cial­ly among tod­dlers, many are unaware of how many pre-ado­les­cents and ado­les­cents suf­fer from stool with­hold­ing and enco­pre­sis. Despite the fact that they have had these prob­lems for many, many years, these chil­dren can be effec­tive­ly treat­ed — with res­o­lu­tion of their soiling/encopresis. Nev­er loose hope for these chil­dren. In the past few weeks, we have ini­ti­at­ed treat­ment for sev­er­al chil­dren ages 9–13 years. All of those chil­dren are present­ly doing very well. Their lives have changed, as have those of their parents.
