The impor­tant top­ic of enco­pre­sis and stool with­hold­ing in Chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs was aired today on The Cof­fee Klatch Spe­cial Needs Radio. 

Mar­i­anne Rus­so, founder of The Cof­fee Klatch did a very thought­ful and thor­ough inter­view of Dr Fredric Daum on the top­ic of Enco­pre­sis and Stool With­hold­ing in Chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs.  Dr Daum feels that Chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs are sad­ly under­served and there are few resources for resolv­ing this issue.  The prob­lem of fecal soil­ing (enco­pre­sis) caus­es many chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs to be held back in school pro­grams rather than being placed accord­ing to aca­d­e­m­ic abil­i­ty.  Enco­pre­sis is com­mon in chil­dren with spe­cial needs and Dr Daum is very pleased to have this radio oppor­tu­ni­ty. You can lis­ten to the broad­cast at any time below.

Inter­view with Dr Daum: Enco­pre­sis and Stool With­hold­ing in Chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs