
Dr Marc Levitt speaks about The Center for Colorectal and Pelvic Reconstruction at Nationwide Children’s Hospital 

I would like to con­grat­u­late Dr. Marc Levitt on his new mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary sur­gi­cal pro­gram at Nation­wide Children’s Hos­pi­tal and offer him this oppor­tu­ni­ty to talk about his plans and his phi­los­o­phy about bow­el man­age­ment.   Fred Daum, MD “I was very hap­py to be…

Toilet Refusal Syndrome — is your child diaper dependent? 

Toi­let Refusal Syn­drome (TRS) is char­ac­ter­ized by dia­per depen­den­cy and refusal to use the toi­let for defe­ca­tion.  Toi­let Refusal Syn­drome is a com­mon prob­lem that even­tu­al­ly brings many fam­i­lies to seek care.  Par­ents sel­dom rec­og­nize that their chil­dren are…

Why Do Children Develop Encopresis? 

Enco­pre­sis is a com­mon child­hood prob­lem.  Often, par­ents are embar­rassed to talk about enco­pre­sis so that it is dif­fi­cult to deter­mine the preva­lence.  Many fam­i­lies feel alone in suf­fer­ing with this con­di­tion and express relief when they dis­cov­er sup­port groups and…

Doctor Daum Speaks on The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Radio about Encopresis and Stool Withholding 

The impor­tant top­ic of enco­pre­sis and stool with­hold­ing in Chil­dren with Spe­cial Needs was aired today on The Cof­fee Klatch Spe­cial Needs Radio. Mar­i­anne Rus­so, founder of The Cof­fee Klatch did a very thought­ful and thor­ough inter­view of Dr Fredric Daum on the topic…
