
Reply to question about why most doctors know little about encopresis treatment by Dr Daum 

Yes­ter­day, a moth­er wrote me this very thought­ful and impor­tant ques­tion: Dr. Fredric Daum- so many doc­tors- even pedi GI docs do not know much about this diag­no­sis- oth­er than a def­i­n­i­tion. There is a sig­nif­i­cant lack of pro­fes­sion­al knowl­edge. Ulti­mate­ly, and…

What to expect during encopresis treatment with Doctor Daum 

The Enco­pre­sis Treat­ment pro­gram begins with a clean out fol­lowed by tran­si­tion to main­te­nance. The clean out and tran­si­tion process gen­er­al­ly requires four to five (4−5) days at home. All nec­es­sary instruc­tions are pro­vid­ed to you at the start of the pro­gram. Parents…

A Message to Parents of Children with Soiling and Encopresis: setting realistic expectations 

It is gen­er­al­ly hard for par­ents to under­stand and accept the behav­ioral com­po­nents of with­hold­ing and soiling/encopresis. Over and over again, I am told: “ He can’t feel the poop”, “She didn’t know she had an acci­dent”, “She doesn’t mind sit­ting in poop”, “He does…

Urine Accidents and Stool Withholding 

At an age when a child is expect­ed to be toi­let trained for urine (by age 3–3 ½), wet­ting dur­ing the day may be attrib­uted to active urine with­hold­ing. The uri­nary blad­der has a lim­it­ed capac­i­ty to store urine. When the vol­ume of urine retained in the bladder…
