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With the start of school result­ing in a major tran­si­tion for many chil­dren, fam­i­lies are like­ly to see sig­nif­i­cant changes in their child’s behav­ior with regard to toi­let train­ing. Stress­ful sep­a­ra­tion issues from the moth­er often results in stool and or urine acci­dents dur­ing the day. These prob­lems can be eas­i­ly resolved if par­ents and school per­son­nel and school nurs­es are sen­si­tive to these issues. Most par­ents are very tuned into a child’s changes in behav­ior and signs of ‘with­hold­ing’ or need to use the bath­room.   How­ev­er, obser­va­tion of your child’s behav­ior may not be as obvi­ous to the school staff.

Par­ents should not feel that occa­sion­al enco­pre­sis rep­re­sents a fail­ure or “back to the way it was”.   It is imper­a­tive that school per­son­nel, who should under­stand behav­ior, be very sup­port­ive of fam­i­lies at these times.

It is best NOT to low­er the lax­a­tive dosage dur­ing the first few weeks of school.   Have a wait and see atti­tude and seek con­stant input for guidance.

In addi­tion to the inher­ent stress­es of school itself, many of your chil­dren are also start­ing a host of fall activ­i­ties includ­ing after school pro­grams, extend­ed day care, sports prac­tices, tutoring/enrichment, reli­gious edu­ca­tion, play dates, etc. Some chil­dren have evening pro­grams for addi­tion­al activ­i­ties.  Chil­dren also may be on a school bus for extend­ed peri­ods of time, arriv­ing home as late as 5:30- 6:00 in the evening.

I spend many hours with par­ents to deter­mine the appro­pri­ate dosage and tim­ing of lax­a­tives to avoid school and or bus acci­dents. All effort is made for your child to go to the bath­room at home in a more com­fort­able envi­ron­ment. Michelle and I rec­og­nize the stress felt by par­ents to have a per­fect res­o­lu­tion of your child’s enco­pre­sis.   Spend time reflect­ing on what you think will work best and help us indi­vid­u­al­ize the right strat­e­gy for your child. Do not panic…we are here to sup­port you and your child.

Dr Daum

